DebianDay Celebrations and comments
Debian Celebrates 30 years!
We celebrated our birthday this year and we had a great time with new friends, new members welcomed to the community, and the world.
We have collected a few comments, videos, and discussions from around the Internet, and some images from some of the DebianDay2023 events. We hope that you enjoyed the day(s) as much as we did!
"Debian 30 years of collective intelligence" -Maqsuel Maqson
Honorary Debian Developers: Buzz, Jessie, and Woody welcome guests to this amazing party.
Sao Carlos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Stickers, and Fliers, and Laptops, oh my!
We do not encourage beverages on computing hardware, but this one is okay by us.
The German Delegation is also looking for this dog who footed the bill for the party, then left mysteriously.
We brought the party back inside at CCCamp
El Salvador
Food and Fellowship in El Salvador
South Africa
Debian is also very delicious!
All smiles waiting to eat the cake
Debian Day 30 years in Maceió - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years in São Carlos - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years in Pouso Alegre - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years in Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years in Curitiba - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years in Brasília - Brazil
Debian Day 30 years online in Brazil
Articles & Blogs
Happy Debian Day - going 30 years strong - Liam Dawe
Debian Turns 30 Years Old, Happy Birthday! - Marius Nestor
30 Years of Stability, Security, and Freedom: Celebrating Debian’s Birthday - Bobby Borisov
Happy 30th Birthday, Debian! - Claudio Kuenzier
Debian is 30 and Sgt Pepper Is at Least Ninetysomething - Christine Hall
Debian turns 30! -Corbet
Thirty years of Debian! - Lennart Hengstmengel
Debian marks three decades as 'Universal Operating System' - Sam Varghese
Debian Linux Celebrates 30 Years Milestone - Joshua James
30 years on, Debian is at the heart of the world's most successful Linux distros - Liam Proven
Looking Back on 30 Years of Debian - Maya Posch
Cheers to 30 Years of Debian: A Journey of Open Source Excellence - arindam
Discussions and Social Media
Debian Celebrates 30 Years - Source: News YCombinator
Brand-new Linux release, which I'm calling the Debian ... Source: News YCombinator
Comment: Congrats @debian !!! Happy Birthday! Thank you for becoming a cornerstone of the #opensource world. Here's to decades of collaboration, stability & #software #freedom -openSUSELinux via X (formerly Twitter)
Comment: Today we #celebrate the 30th birthday of #Debian, one of the largest and most important cornerstones of the #opensourcecommunity. For this we would like to thank you very much and wish you the best for the next 30 years! Source: X (Formerly Twitter -TUXEDOComputers via X (formerly Twitter)
Happy Debian Day! - Source:
Video The History of Debian | The Beginning - Source: Linux User Space
Debian Celebrates 30 years -Source:
Video Debian At 30 and No More Distro Hopping! - LWDW388 - Source: LinuxGameCast